Friday, August 20, 2010

New Window For The Kitchen

Went looking around for a replacement window for the kitchen this morning... I learned a great deal about the different types of windows on the market and all of the cool options that some of the brands offered... never knew there were so many till today! I finally went with a Pella casement style window special ordered via Lowes Improvement. It will take about two weeks before it comes in and I'm able to install it, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait.

Light Fixtures

Well, I've been tackling projects on the house now in no particular order... so, what I felt like working on recently were the lights. Previously the kitchen lighting consisted on one fluorescent light over the work area and one ceiling fan in the dining area. After much thought and a lot of back and forth over the style of light fixtures to purchased, I finally arrived at some decisions and carried them out: new light over the work area, new dining room pendant and a new light fixture at the front entrance.

(Photos by Jan)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Builders Block?

Fado Pendant Lamp by Ikea

Blazon Gleam Pendant Light by Anthropology

Calhoun Glass Pendant by Pottery Barn

No worries, I have not disappeared, I've just been busy thinking! Thinking of lighting fixtures... an easy decision you would think, but not for me... I spent an entire day thinking of and looking at the types of lighting fixtures to place in the kitchen and mudroom... exhausting :) Here were some of my favorites...

(Photos via Ikea, Anthropology and Pottery Barn)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The New Pantry

Well, finally started working on putting the pantry together... before there were only two wire shelves... and they wobbled! With the help of Arch, we created a new pantry (with some personality) fit for a cape cod :)

(Photos by Jan)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Some Help Goes a Long Way...

Thank goodness for Moms and Dads... mine stopped by the house this morning to lend a hand with some cleaning of the inside of the house (thanks Mom!) and tending to the weeds, and "riff-raff" of the front and backyard (thanks Dad).

(Photos by Jan)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Removal of Drywall

I thought about it for a while... should I remove portions of the drywall or all along the wall I would be adhering new back splash and floating shelves to? After some long, hard thinking, I decided to remove more than I had originally planned for. But in the long run, I'll be able to re-drywall with the green, mold-resistant kind, re-insulate with better materials and allow for easier access for wiring. -J

(Photos by Jan)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tree Removal Service

My neighbor, Ms. Tara, had been requesting I take down a tree that is literally on the line separating the two properties (though considered mine). Her concern is it's growing into her chain link fence! A valid concern... so, after checking out the tree and fence, we decided the tree should go. The bad: Losing a small tree. The good: Saving a fence and the opportunity to purchase a chain saw! Woo-hoo! After returning home with new chainsaw (electric) in hand, I was excited to pull it out of the box and get it started... only to find out the chain oil was not included... disappointment! So, after returning from Lowes for the second time, loading it up with oil and making sure tension was just right, I went to town! Was able to take the tree down AND trim up everything to perfect "carry away" size in about an hour! Results: Tree gone. Chain link fence saved. Happy neighbor. -J

(Photos by Jan)