Thursday, January 6, 2011

Furnace Gets Angry

So, I had been having issues with my furnace, since winter had set in... during the summer months, the air conditioner worked great! It wasn't until the days started getting colder, that I found out the heater wasn't working properly. Before I purchased the home, no one had been living in it, and based on the last service sticker stuck to the furnace, it appeared a service had not been performed since 2002! Eeek! So, I called some guys from GT Air Conditioning and Heating out of Manassas to come by and check the furnace out. The first time they came out, the explained what was going, and did a maintenance job... basically cleaned everything out. It worked great! Until the motor and blower went out... apparently the ball bearings had gone bad! Not like the old types of furnaces, which required a regular oiling to keep things going... so a new motor and blower later, at a price, which (I'll admit) was not all that bad, the furnace began working again... beautifully! The house has been comfortably warm. And the furnace isn't angry anymore. :) -J

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